Restylane, Juvéderm, Surgiderm, Teosyal, Matridex, Matridur (hyaluric acid derivates)

What is Esthelis, Restylane, Juvederm, Surgiderm, Teosyal, Matridex, Matridur?


New generation of injection fillers containing hyaluronic acid. It is prepared from bio fermentative hyaluronic acid by patented process. It is a monocomponent formulation – containing only one substance. Unique polydensified cohesive structure of Esthelis consists of cohesive gel, which is easy to administer. The skin is smooth after its application. Esthelis is supplied packaged sterile and ready to use immediately.

What are the advantages of Esthelis?

Esthelis can be used immediately with no prior skin test. The cohesiveness and elasticity allow treatment without overcorrection. The Esthelis injection is administered by a medical professional, which is trained in such injection fillers application. It takes approximately 30 minutes to perform. The final result is visible in 1 to 2 days. It is stable and long lasting. Its main advantage is the natural structure of the substance, which is own to the body and also degrades in the organism naturally. Therefore there is no risk of allergies and undesirable effects.

What type of treatment can Esthelis be used for?

Esthelis can be used in filling treatment for wrinkles around nose, eyes, cheeks and forehead. It can also be used for augmentation of the lips, cheeks or chin.  There are two types of Esthelis. The basic formulation is particularly suitable for fillings of larger areas and for wrinkle removal. The cohesive structure of Esthelis allows bio-interactive positioning of the implant within the dermis, and a lifting effect on the epidermis.


Restylane is a favorite, hyaluric acid based preparation. Restylane is a temporary implant (6-12 months) that accomplishes wrinkle smoothing, scar correction, improvement of the contours of the lips and the vertical lip furrows, reduction of turned-down corners of the mouth and fuller lips. Juvederm and Surgiderm are semi-permanent products. Results are visible immediately after the treatment. Teosyal belongs to a new range of wrinkle filling products, hyaluric acid based, highly bio-compatible, with long-time absorption. The preparation is applied to the area of the whole face, décolletage, neck and hands. It restores tissue hydration, heals tiny skin splits, sculpts face contours and restores facial volume to its natural beauty. Teosyal is quite safe and helps to achieve immediate, natural and long-term results.


  • Reduction of wrinkles
  • Improvement of the contours of the lips and the vertical lip furrows
  • Fuller lips
  • Reduction of turned-down corners of the mouth
  • Reduction of scars
Duration of the effect
Temporary (6 – 12 months). Duration of the treatment About 30 minutes. What is Restylane®? RESTYLANE® is hyaluric acid, which is natural to the body. This substance occurs throughout the body and ensures the hydration and elasticity of the skin. Over time, however, the production of hyaluric acid decreases, wrinkles form and the skin becomes less flexible. RESTYLANE® replaces natural hyaluric acid. It forms cushions under the skin that completely fill the wrinkles and furrows. Three kinds of RESTYLANE® (RESTYLANE®, Restylane Touch® or Restylane Perlane®) are used, depending on the depth of the wrinkles. The products are virtually identical: they differ only in the size of the acid beads. Smaller ones are used for minor wrinkles, and larger ones for deeper furrows and for renewing volume. The treatment The doctor applies RESTYLANE® to the skin using a thin needle. The slight burning sensation this causes disappears immediately after the substance has been applied. The skin is desensitized with cream at sensitive places, like the lips. Results The result of the treatment– smooth skin and fuller lips – can be seen immediately. Although the skin may be slightly swollen directly after the treatment, the swelling disappears within one or two days. The body completely decomposes RESTYLANE® within six to twelve months, at which point the effect of the treatment disappears. However, the treatment can be repeated without difficulty.
Basic liposuction
Breast Implants Abroad, Breast Enlargement Prague, Czech

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