Beautical, Bio-Alcamid, Artecoll, Dermalive (polyakrylate)

Injection implants enable you to augment the lips, to smooth the wrinkles away and to correct the contours of the face. You will be young and beautiful….

What is Beautical?

Beautical consists of dissolved polyacrylamide hydrogel, which is biologically degraded. This substance is used especially for reduction of turned-down corners of the mouth, renewal of the volume of sagging temples, improvement of the appearance of the lower eye lids, renewal of the volume of the cheek bones and of the cheeks, correction of deep nasolabial furrows and improvement of the contour of the jaws and chin. Enzymes in the body gradually degrade the gel over a period of two to four years and excrete it from the body by a natural pathway. The use of permanents fillers (Bio-Alcamid, Artecoll, Demalive) is comparable.



  • Correction of turned-down corners of the mouth
  • Renewal of the volume of sagging temples
  • Improvement of the appearance of the lower eye lids
  • Renewal of the volume of the cheek bones and cheeks
  • Smoothing of nasolabial folds
  • Improvement of the contour of the jaws and chin

Duration of the effect

Temporary (2 – 4 years).

Duration of the treatment

About 30 minutes.

What is Beautical®?

Beautical (formerly Outline) consists of dissolved polyacrylamide hydrogel, which is manufactured in the laboratories of the PyroCytech company in Bordeaux in France according to the highest qualitative specifications. The use of the Beautical substance is comparable with permanent fillers such as Bio-Alcamid and Aquamid, with the difference that Beautical is a temporary filler, which is degraded by the organism. This temporary filler, which can be applied very accurately to the skin, has excellent filling and smoothing properties. The supple gel augments inadequate volume and the result is a natural, young-looking volume of the skin and smoothing of wrinkles and furrows. The Beautical substance interacts actively with the skin. The soft positive charge of the Beautical substance attracts negatively charged collagen in the skin like a magnet and thus forms a dense network with the skin’s own collagen. The gel thus becomes part of the skin tissue and its presence is not palpable. As soon as the positive charge is neutralized by the negative charge, the “magnetic” attraction disappears spontaneously. Enzymes in the body gradually degrade the gel over a period of two to four years and excrete it from the body by a natural pathway. Because of this property, Beautical is an extremely safe product that opens the door to the future. Beautical is a temporary implant with relatively long-term effect. Most temporary implants are effective for about half a year to a year; in contrast, the results of treatment with Beautical are apparent for a period of two to four years. Beautical exists in two forms: Beautical 2 for correction of finer wrinkles and furrows and Beautical 5 for correction of deeper furrows and renewal of volume, e.g. in the cheeks.

The treatment

The doctor anaesthetizes the skin locally using an anaesthetizing cream or injection. Beautical is injected through a fine needle into the skin or immediately under the skin. The treatment lasts less than half an hour. Immediately after the treatment, the skin is red and swollen; this disappears within one day. Bruises sometimes appear. You can continue your normal daily activities immediately after the treatment.


The result of treatment with the Beautical substance is immediately apparent. After stabilization of the gel in the skin, the volume of the injected substance decreases by about 30%. This eliminates the risk of excessive correction. After two weeks, Beautical forms a network with the skin and the final effect is visible. The skin is soft and supple to the touch and the gel remains at the place where it was applied. Sometimes, it is necessary to undergo several applications of achieve the optimum results. Further treatment can be undergone after four weeks. The use of the Beautical substance leads to a pleasant, natural appearance for a period of two (Beautical 2) to four years (Beautical 5).



  • Renewal of the volume of the face
  • Renewal of the volume of the cheek bones
  • Reduction of deep nasolabial furrows
  • Reduction of turned-down corners of the mouth
  • Correction of the contours of the face
  • Enlargement of a small or receding chin

Duration of the effect


Duration of the treatment

About 15 – 30 minutes.

What is Bio-Alcamid®?

Bio-Alcamid® is an implant gel consisting of 97% water and 3% polyacrylimid. It has been used for cosmetic correction since 1995. Bio-Alcamid® can be injected subcutaneously very accurately. Following its application, Bio-Alcamid® can be manipulated to produce exactly the desired shape. The cushion of gel remains under the skin but can be removed at any time. The product is very useful for major enlargement of the volume at a single place.

The treatment

The doctor applies a local anaesthetic before introducing Bio-Alcamid® under the skin. After the treatment, the skin is reddish and swollen. For two weeks, the skin is hard to the touch and bruises may form. These effects then disappear. The body forms a thin capsule of connective tissue around the implant, which ensures that the gel remains exactly in the place where it was applied. Several treatments may be required to produce the optimum effect. The treatments are separated by a period of four weeks.


The result of the treatment can be seen immediately. After two weeks, the Bio-Alcamid® cushions can no longer be felt and the skin is again elastic. The product provides permanent cosmetic correction; however, because the natural ageing process is continuous, another treatment may be required after about five years.

Basic liposuction
Breast Implants Abroad, Breast Enlargement Prague, Czech

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